Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is short, simple and sweet.

We collect following information directly from the users –

① First Name

② Last Name

③ Login Name

④ Email Address

⑤ Postal Address

Above information are required for shipping orders, and provided by customers while opening accounts with us.

Additional details such as Mobile Number, Gender and Company Name are optional, customers may or may not share those information. Though sharing a mobile number is highly appreciated and helps faster response.

We do not collect or save Passwords.

We send order and account related information and updates (example: Invoice) to the email addresses provided by our customers.

We often send offer related emails, special discount coupons and seasonal greetings to the email addresses provided by our customers but only when the customer has subscribed to Newsletter.

For prepaid orders, users complete payment on safe and secured 3rd party apps (example: Paytm). Therefore, we do not collect or save customers’ bank information, debit / credit card details or any other payment related data.

And that’s it!


Free Shipping

Prepaid Over ₹500

Easy Payment

Secured Transactions

72hrs Delivery

All Over India

Limited Collection

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